
Administrative district Dingolfing-Landau
– represented by District Administrator Werner Bumeder –
Obere Stadt 1
84130 Dingolfing
Tel: +49 8731 87-0
Fax: +49 8731 87-100

Responsibility for content pursuant to Sec. 55 (2) of the German Interstate Broadcasting Treaty (RStV):

Nadja Bauer-Beutlhauser
Tel: 08731 87-173
Fax: 08731 87-718

Legal notice

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The Landkreis Dingolfing-Landau does not take any responsibility for the technical availability, currentness, correctness or qualtiy of the information mentioned in this web presence. Among existing rules according to § 675 Abs. 2 BGB the following liability restriction is valid for the offered web information: the Landkreis Dingolfing-Landau and its employees cannot be made liable for any damages occured by using or not using the offered web information. In case the rules of § 839 BGB (liabilty for breach of duty) are relevant, the liabilty exclusion is invalid.

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