Data Protection and Privacy

Protecting and ensuring the security of your personal data is a top priority for us. We always treat your personal data as confidential and handle them in accordance with the legal provisions on data protection and privacy. This text informs you of the types of data collected during your visit, the purpose for which they are collected, and how long they are stored. Our data protection officer has reviewed and approved this website with an eye to compliance with the legal provisions on data protection and privacy.

A) General information

Name and contact details of the controller

Administrative district Dingolfing-Landau
– represented by District Administrator Werner Bumeder –
Obere Stadt 1
84130 Dingolfing
Tel: +49 8731 87-0
Fax: +49 8731 87-100

Contact details for our data protection officer

Office of the District Administrator of Dingolfing-Landau
– Official Data Protection Officer, Ms. Freundorfer –
Obere Stadt 1
84130 Dingolfing, Germany
Tel.: +49 8731 87-536

Purposes & legal bases of processing of personal data

The purpose of the processing is to fulfill the public duties assigned to us by the legislative branch, particularly informing the public.
Unless otherwise indicated, the legal basis for the processing of your data arises from Art. 4 (1) of the Bavarian Data Protection Act (BayDSG) in conjunction with point (e) of Article 6(1) of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Accordingly, we are permitted to process the data necessary in order to fulfill a duty incumbent upon us.

Recipients of personal data

The technical operation of our data processing systems is performed by motivmedia GmbH.
Your data may be transferred to the relevant supervisory and audit authorities for the performance of their respective control rights.
To avert risks to security in information technology, data may be shared with the Bavarian State Office for Information Security (LSI) in case of electronic transfer and processed there on the basis of Art. 12 et seqq. of the Bavarian E-Government Act.

Duration of storage of personal data

Your data will be stored only as long as is necessary to fulfill the task, observing any statutory retention periods that may apply.

Your rights

Where we process personal data concerning you, you have the following rights as the data subject:
You have the right to obtain access to information regarding the personal data stored concerning you (Article 15 GDPR).
Should inaccurate personal data be processed, you have the right to rectification (Article 16 GDPR).
If the statutory prerequisites are met, you can obtain from the controller the erasure or restriction of processing of data (Articles 17 and 18 GDPR).
If you have consented to the processing or there is a data processing agreement and the data processing takes place by means of automated methods, you may have a right to data portability (Article 20 GDPR).
If you have consented to the processing and the processing is based on this consent, you can withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of data processing that has occurred based on consent before its withdrawal.
You have the right to object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, at any time to processing of personal data concerning you if this processing is based exclusively on point (e) or (f) of Article 6(1) GDPR (Article 21(1) GDPR).

Right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Bavarian Data Protection Commissioner. You can reach him using the following contact details:
Mailing address: Postfach 22 12 19, 80502 Munich
Address: Wagmüllerstraße 18, 80538 Munich
Tel.: +49 89 212672 0
Fax: +49 89 212672 50

B) Website information

Technical implementation

Our Web server is operated by motivmedia GmbH in the role of reseller of ALL-INKL.COM – Neue Medien Münnich. Where the processing of data is necessary within the scope of this activity, such processing takes place on the basis of an agreement for data processing on behalf of another entity (data processing agreement).
The personal data you transfer as part of visiting our website are therefore processed on our behalf by:

motivmedia GmbH
Gewerbehof 13
84130 Dingolfing, Germany
Tel.: +49 8731 3253 622
Fax: +49 8731 3253 663

ALL-INKL.COM – Neue Medien Münnich
Hauptstraße 68
02742 Friedersdorf, Germany
Tel.: +49 35872 353 10
Fax: +49 35872 353 30


When you access this website or other websites, you transfer data to our Web server via your Internet browser. The following data are used during an ongoing connection for the purpose of technical handling of the communication between your Internet browser and our Web server:

  • Date and time of request
  • Name of file requested
  • Page from which the file was requested
  • Access status (file transferred, file not found, etc.)
  • Web browser and operating system used
  • Full IP address of requesting computer
  • Amount of data transferred
  • Creation of log files is disabled in the process.

Active components

Our informational site uses active components such as JavaScript. You can disable these functions in your Internet browser settings.


When you access this website, we store cookies (small files) on your device. For more information on this, please see our cookie information page, where you can also edit the details of any consent you have previously granted to the use of plugins.
We use these exclusively during your visit to our website. Most browsers are set up to accept the use of cookies. However, you can disable this function via your Internet browser settings, either for the current session or permanently.

Integration of external services

The external services integrated into our website are YouTube and Google Maps. The first time you access the website, no data are transferred to the operators. Only after users have consented by clicking the relevant option on the cookie banner to opt in are data (including the URL of the current page and the user’s IP address) transferred to the relevant operator. This is done effective immediately and on each subsequent visit. This means that you as the user can decide for yourself whether to consent to the activation of these services and the transfer of data. The user can withdraw this consent at any time on our cookie information page, thereby prohibiting the further transfer of data to the operators (opt-in procedure). Moreover, each integrated element can be actively accessed individually without any need to grant general consent to this.

Integration of YouTube videos

Videos from YouTube, an external video platform, are integrated into our website. By default, preview images of the YouTube video that we have stored are embedded in this case. This way, the operator does not receive any data from the user when the Web pages are accessed.
You can decide for yourself whether to activate the YouTube videos. Only if and when you agree to the playback of videos in the cookie banner or on a one-time basis for an individual video are you considered to grant consent to the transfer of the data necessary to that end (including the Internet address of the current page and the user’s IP address) to the operator.
To store the user’s desired setting, we place a cookie that stores these parameters. However, when these cookies are placed, we do not store any personal data. The cookies merely contain anonymized data to adjust the browser. After that, the videos are active and can be played by the user. If you would like to disable automatic loading of YouTube videos, you can withdraw this consent at any time on our cookie information page. This will also update the cookie’s settings.
YouTube is a service offered by YouTube LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, U.S.A., a subsidiary of Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, California 94043, U.S.A. For further information on the purpose and scope of data processing (including outside the European Union and outside the United States) and on ways to adjust your settings to protect your privacy, please see the Google privacy policy: Google processes your personal data in the United States and other countries.

Integration of Google Maps

Maps from Google Maps, an external map platform, are integrated into our website. By default, preview images that we have stored are embedded in this case. This way, the operator does not receive any data from the user when the Web pages are accessed.
You can decide for yourself whether to activate maps from Google Maps. Only if and when you agree to access the maps in the cookie banner or on a one-time basis for a single map are you considered to grant consent to the transfer of the data necessary to that end (including the Internet address of the current page and the user’s IP address) to the operator. If you would like to disable automatic loading of the maps from Google Maps, you can withdraw this consent at any time on our cookie information page. This will also update the cookie’s settings.
If you consent to the use of Google Maps via the cookie banner in general or explicitly in an individual location, please note the following:
(1) This website uses the services offered by Google Maps. This allows us to display interactive maps to you directly in the website and enables you to use the maps function conveniently and comfortably.
(2) When you visit this website, Google receives the information that you have accessed the relevant subpage of our website. The data mentioned in the point of this privacy policy dealing with information on automated data collection and storage/logging
are also transferred. This takes place regardless of whether Google provides a user account via which you are logged in or whether there is no user account. If you are logged in with Google, your data are associated directly with your account. If you do not wish the data to be associated with your profile with Google, you need to log out before activating the button. Google stores your data as use profiles and uses them for purposes of advertising, market research, and/or demand-driven design of its website. This type of analysis takes place in particular (even for users who are not logged in) to provide demand-driven ads and to inform other users of the social network of your activity on our website. You have the right to object to the creation of these user profiles; to exercise this right, you must contact Google.
(3) Further information on the purpose and scope of collection of data and the processing thereof by the plugin provider is available from the provider’s privacy policies. These policies also contain further information on your rights in this regard and settings to protect your privacy: Google processes your personal data in countries including the United States.
(4) The legal basis for the use of Google Maps is point (f) of Article 6(1) GDPR.
Google Maps is a service offered by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, California 94043, U.S.A. For further information on the purpose and scope of data processing (including outside the European Union and outside the United States) and on ways to adjust your settings to protect your privacy, please see the Google privacy policy: Google processes your personal data in the United States and other countries.

Data processing by social networks

We maintain publicly accessible profiles on social networks. For details of the social networks we use, please see below.
Social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, and others can generally analyze your user behavior in detail if and when you visit their website or a website with integrated social media content (such as like buttons or advertising banners). When you visit our social media pages, numerous processing operations that are relevant in terms of data protection and privacy are triggered. Specifically:
If you are logged in to your social media account and visit our social media presence, the operator of the social media portal can associate this visit with your user account. However, your personal data may be collected even if you are not logged in or do not have an account with the social media portal in question. In this case, the data are collected through cookies that are stored on your device, for example, or by collecting your IP address.
The operators of the social media portals can use data collected in this way to create user profiles showing your preferences and interests. In this way, interest-related ads can be displayed to you within and outside the relevant social media presence. If you have an account with the relevant social network, the interest-based ads can be displayed on all devices on which you are or have been logged in.
Please also note that we cannot track all processing operations on the social media portals. This means that depending on the provider, further processing operations may be carried out by the operators of the social media portals. For details, please see the terms of service and privacy policies of the relevant social media portals.

Legal basis

Our social media pages are intended to ensure as comprehensive an Internet presence as possible. This involves a legitimate interest within the meaning of point (f) of Article 6(1) GDPR. The analysis processes initiated by the social networks may be based on different legal bases, which the operators of the social networks are obligated to indicate (for example, consent within the meaning of point (a) of Article 6(1) GDPR).

Controller and assertion of rights

If you visit one of our social media pages (such as Facebook), we and the operator of the social media platform are joint controllers responsible for the data processing operations triggered during this visit. In principle, you can assert your rights (access to information, rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, data portability, and lodging a complaint) toward both us and the operator of the relevant social media portal (for example, Facebook).
Please note that despite the fact that we share the status of controller with the social media portal operators, we do not have full influence over the data processing operations performed by the social media portals. Our options are geared to a significant degree toward the relevant provider’s company policies.

Term of storage

The data directly collected by us via the social media presence are erased from our systems as soon as the purpose for which they were stored ceases to apply or you request that we erase them or withdraw your consent to the storage thereof or the purpose for the storage of data ceases to apply [as a whole/in general]. Stored cookies remain on your device until you erase them. This does not affect any non-waivable provisions of law, particularly regarding retention periods.
We have no influence over the term for which your data are stored by the operators of social networks for their own purposes. For details, please seek out information directly from the operators of the social networks.

Social networks in detail


We have a profile with Facebook. The provider is Facebook Inc., 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, California 94025, U.S.A. Facebook has certification according to the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield.
We have entered into an agreement on joint controller status (controller addendum) with Facebook. This agreement stipulates for which data processing operations we and Facebook are responsible as controllers when you visit our Facebook page. You can view the agreement here:
You can adjust your ad settings yourself in your user account. To do this, click the following link and log in:
For details, please see the Facebook privacy policy:
You will find another privacy policy of ours on Facebook when you click the Info button and click again on the Data Policy button.


We have a profile with Instagram. The provider is Instagram Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, U.S.A. For details on how Instagram handles your personal data, please see the Instagram privacy policy:

C) Other processing and information

Analysis of user behavior (Web tracking systems)

This website uses an integrated statistics module. The module does not use cookies, and the information collected in this way regarding the use of this website is stored exclusively on our server. The IP address is anonymized before it is stored.
This module allows us to collect and analyze data on the use of our website by website visitors. This allows us to find out things such as when which pages have been accessed and from which region they were accessed.
The use of this analysis tool takes place on the basis of point (f) of Article 6(1) GDPR. The website operator has a legitimate interest in anonymized analysis of user behavior to optimize the website.

Data security

We and our website operators use technical and organizational measures to protect your data against access by unauthorized parties and against tampering, transfer, loss, or destruction. The security methods used undergo regular review and are updated according to technological advances. All data transferred to and by us are protected through suitable encryption methods, both during and after transportation thereof.

Electronic data collection within the website

If you are asked to enter data concerning you within our Internet presence, these data are transported via the Internet using SSL encryption in order to protect your data from unauthorized parties gaining knowledge thereof.


If you send us emails, your email address is used only for correspondence with you. Information that you send to us unencrypted by email may be read by third parties in transit. We generally cannot check your identity, either, and we do not know who is behind a particular email address, with the result that legally secure communication is not ensured through simple email. We also use what are known as spam filters to block unsolicited advertising. In rare instances, these filters may incorrectly also categorize normal emails automatically as unsolicited advertising and delete them. Emails containing harmful programs (viruses) are automatically deleted by us in all cases.
If you wish to send messages to us containing information that merits protection, we urge you to encrypt and sign them to prevent unauthorized parties from gaining knowledge thereof and to prevent falsification or tampering in transit. You can also send your message to us via conventional mail.


As part of our media and public relations work, we take photos at events and meetings. These photos may depict you in a recognizable form. You can object to the taking and/or publication of photos.
If you wish to object, please use the contact details provided above (at the start of section A).